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Adenomyosis Specialist

Fresno Fibroid Center

Non-Surgical Fibroid Treatment & Interventional Radiology located in Fresno, CA

Adenomyosis can cause a woman to experience uterine pain, pelvic heaviness, and abnormal bleeding that negatively affects quality of life. At Fresno Fibroid Center in Fresno, California, the experienced doctors evaluate your symptoms to determine if adenomyosis is affecting you and offer reliable treatments to help relieve associated pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. Call the office for an appointment or schedule your meet up online.

Adenomyosis Q & A

What is adenomyosis?

When a woman’s endometrial tissue (the lining of the uterus) grows into the muscles of her uterus, it’s known as adenomyosis. The condition often leads to an enlarged uterus, painful menstrual cycles, and pain during intercourse.

Researchers haven’t found a conclusive cause of adenomyosis but believe it’s related to other women’s health conditions, including:

  • Inflammation of the uterus
  • Invasive endometrial tissues
  • Localized adenomyoma
  • Abnormal female hormone levels

Women who are middle-aged, have had at least one child, and previously experienced a surgery such as a C-section or a myomectomy (surgical fibroid removal) are at greatest risk of developing adenomyosis.

How does adenomyosis affect women’s health?

Not all women experience symptoms when they have adenomyosis, but the majority experience one or more of the following:

  • Large blood clots during their period
  • Spotting between menstrual cycles  
  • Pain during sex
  • Sensitivity in their abdominal area and chronic pelvic pain      
  • Prolonged menstrual cycles       
  • Severe, sharp menstrual cramps   
  • Heavy bleeding during their period

These symptoms vary in intensity. Some women with adenomyosis have only mild discomfort, while others experience symptoms that disrupt their life. 

Am I at risk of developing adenomyosis?

Certain women have a greater risk of developing adenomyosis. Most cases are diagnosed when a woman is in her 40s or 50s. This may be because these women have had longer exposure to the female hormone estrogen as compared to younger women. Younger women, however, can also be diagnosed with adenomyosis.

Other risk factors include having given birth to a child and experiencing prior uterine surgery. Surgeries include cesarean section, fibroid removal, or a D&C (dilation and curettage).

How is adenomyosis treated?

Milder cases of adenomyosis may be treated with anti-inflammatory medications and lifestyle changes. Some doctors may recommend a hysterectomy, but the team at Fresno Fibroid Center have a less invasive alternative.

Uterine fibroid embolization cuts off the arteries that provide blood to the abnormal endometrial tissue that’s causing adenomyosis symptoms. Blood flow is then blocked, so the abnormal tissue shrinks and eventually dies. Your body sheds the tissue naturally.

If you have unusual symptoms during your menstrual cycle or that involve your pelvic organs, contact the specialists at Fresno Fibroid Center. They can offer non-surgical treatments for issues such as adenomyosis or uterine fibroids. Call today or book an appointment online.